Posts Tagged ‘writing


Why mythology, archaeology and gangsters?

During my blog tour last October, I was asked Why mythology, archaeology and gangsters?.  Most of my stories tend to have mythology and archeology elements but the Relic Defender series adds a third element — the gangster.

So, here is some background as to the elements and why gangsters.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve devoured mythology. Before I knew better, I thought Greek and Roman mythology with some Viking thrown in was the only mythology that existed. As a teenager, I think I’ve read every story and knew all of the major Gods and Goddesses and a lot of the minor ones. So, when paranormal started to take wing, I knew I’d found a place I could indulge in my love of mythology.

When I first conceived the idea of this story, I knew I wanted to work in some kind of mythology with paranormal elements but I didn’t want to do what everyone else was doing (meaning no vampires or werewolves and demons/angels hadn’t taken off by then).

During my research into that elusive “something different”, I discovered the mythology surrounding King Solomon. I was raised on the Bible and knew all about Solomon. Or, I thought I did. I was so intrigued with the notion that he was supposed to be a magic user and had a ring given to him by God that allowed Solomon to control and compel demons. And his temple? The stories say it was built by these same demons. Key of Solomon just took off from there. And I loved writing the scene where he is compelling the demons into the bronze jar.

Archeology was easy as I think I was an archeologist or explorer in another life. I’d always loved history, much more than I love the present. It’s funny, because I like the future too. Or at least, envisioning what the future might look like. For the past, I’m fascinated by what our ancestors accomplished with what they had. The beautiful and magnificent structures. Sure, we build magnificent structures now but there are few I would call beautiful.

I think the past is much more appealing even with the lack of computers and assorted technologies. And since the assorted technologies have allowed me to armchair travel to the past, I get to indulge my love of history and archeology in my stories. In fact, the story I’m shopping now is fully immersed in archeology and Egyptian mythology with a tomb raiding heroine.

As for my shape-shifting wanna-be gangster demon? Well, I wanted a side-kick for one of my characters. This was one of the things I went with the current trend. Seemed like most urban fantasy were beginning to have some quirky character working with the heroine and/or hero. I felt Mikos could really use one to offset his soberness. Rocky came out of my mind and onto the page fully formed as a shape-shifting rock.

Until he spoke, I didn’t know he wanted to be a gangster. Talk about a surprise.  Really, it was Mikos’ fault. After all, he let Rocky watch The Godfather.

Key of Solomon

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